Thanks to you guys on the list I have started to tweak the simple calender
which I posted earlier...but have run into problems ;-)
(I didnt go with the PEAR one coz we don't have PEAR installed on all our
shared hosting accounts)

What I am trying to do is, have some dates be clickable (linked) while the
others be normal.
The clickable days will be passed as an array to the function, so far its
working but unfortunatly only the last part of the array is being taken and
all the ones before ignored.
$linkArray[0] = 3;
$linkArray[1] = 23;
in which case only 23 is being taken in the for loop...which is correct as
its overwring the one before...
(its a bit easier to understand when you see the code, the part enclosed
within the //Ryan and //Ryan is where I added my code...which is not working
;-D  )

You can download the file (around 3kb) from http://php-php.com/test/cal2.txt
and you can see it in action here: http://www.php-php.com/test/cal2.php

Any help appreciated.


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