
I am working on a script that uses cookie to store some info on the client
side.  The user will click a link that contains info about where the link
was placed. The script will then store that info so that when the user
returns later and makes a purchase, I can see where they came from.

The problem I am having is this:

The link is a redirect url that first goes to one domain where the cookie is
created by. Then they are taken to the site where products are sold.

Then, after they make a purchase, they are taken to a thank you page that
has a hidden tracker to track that sale.

<img src=http://trackerurl.com/?var=1&var=2&blahbla height=0 width=>

The image loads the script from a different domain (where the cookie was
initialy created by).  The problem now is that the script gets a blank
cookie when using the hidden image to load the script.

So does anyone know why this is happening?

I have   setCookie('CookieName', $value, $expires);

Then I try to retrieve that cookie again later with  $_COOKIE['CookieName']
... but the value stored is not there when the script is called from the
hidden image.  HOWEVER, the value is there when the script is called

Any ideas?



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