I'm looking at using PHP to create a link/bookmark system similar to 
blogrolling.com, but for many links both weblog and not. Basically the 
system would archive 3-500 links, display them hierarchically, etc. 
Standard stuff that I see a lot of PHP code for. 

What I am wondering is what is the best approach for detecting "recently 
changed" links? I could use various files put out by blogger.com or blo.gs, 
etc. to check sites that use those services, but while being much more 
efficient than actually checking myself, that would exclude many non blog 

I only want to indicate sites that were updated in the last 24 hours, so I 
am thinking that I could just cron a PHP script that checks each site for 
changes every day. Is there a reliable method for doing this using just the 
headers returned for a page? Is there a better way?

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