Hi all,

We've recently released a significantly sized new web site coded entirely in
PHP. One of the things done on the site is to link to various sections of it
as follows:


As you can see we're neglecting to include the index.php in the link. Now
this actually works perfectly (as it should) and the pages are displayed as
you'd expect, however one thing we're finding is that it appears some
browser just don't cache any of the page data. The images, html etc seems to
be called back from the server each time. This is part speculation on my
behalf of just watching the page load, sometimes it doesn't seem to do it,
othertimes it does.  It's very hard to explain but I'm throwing it out here
incase anyone has any ideas?  I've not done anything special with the
headers, there's no gzip compression or anything. I'm just wondering in the
back of my mind if the data on a page with a URL such as that simply doesn't
get cached?

Feel free to test it out for yourselves on the live site:
http://www.thegamecreators.com - I do apologise in advance for Mozilla
users, we tested it heavily with Mozilla 1.4 on Windows but have had reports
that in newer versions the menu breaks out of the page.  In Opera7, IE and
Moz 1.4 it should work as designed.



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