Hi!  I ran through the phpinfo and here's the result.  That's explain why
I'm unable to get most of the mcrypt functions to work.  Features like
"mcrypt_module_open", "mcrypt_list_algorithms", "mcrypt_get_block_size",
etc.  So, what's the problem here?  PHP bugs?  Please spill your gut out on
this one if you know of one.  Thansk!



|  mcrypt support        |  enabled  |
|  Version                   |  2.4.x      |
|  Supported Ciphers  |  none      |
|  Supported Modes   |  none      |

|  Directive                     |  Local Value  |  Master Value  |
|  mcrypt.algorithms_dir  |  no value       |  no value          |
|  mcrypt.modes_dir       |  no value       |  no value          |


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