
I am tring to make socket program.
I compile php with --enable-sockets option
But when I write code, the error message appears which is "Fatal error: Call to 
undefined function: socket() in /www/htdocs/test.php on line 6"

I can't understand what am I doing wrong ....

here is the code that I wrote 

        error_reporting (E_ALL);
        $sockfd =socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
        $imsi = connect($sockfd, "", 9000);
        $func_type = 1024 + 18;
        $packet_size = 8;
        write($sockfd, $packet_size, 4);
        write($sockfd, $func_type, 4);
        read($sockfd, $packet_size,4);
        read($sockfd, $errornum, 4);
        echo("errornum : $errornum");

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