
I'm trying to make a PHP code that do the following : 

Inserts the server time to the database (When login). and then insert it again (When 
logout). Now I want to compare the two values to know the defference between them by 
minutes.. so for example : if the defference was 2880 minutes then update a value in 
the database (Value in database + 1).. and every 2880 minutes I want to add "1" to the 

This for lessons in my project.. the lessons must be updated every 2880 minutes.. but 
not automatically.. I mean the user can login for 60 minutes for example and then 
after 10 days he can login again and see the same lesson.. so every 2880 minutes the 
user stay in the program.. the lesson will be updated.. 

I tried to make it but everytime wrong. 

I hope you got me well.. 

Waiting your help and thanks in advance.. 

Best regards..

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