
Needed to reset the $XXX and $YYY vars BEFORE the for loop...

Anyway, should you have nothing better to do, plz look through and see
if there is a "better" way to do this with possibly less queries made on
the db...


On Wed, 2003-07-16 at 09:25, Petre Agenbag wrote:
> Hi List.
> I cannot see my error:
> I have relation tables setup.
> main
> id    entity_name     main_type       etc     etc     date_in
> 1     test            type1           x       y       2003-06-02
> 2     test2           type2           xx      yy      2003-03-11
> 3     test3           type1           xxx     yyy     2003-02-02
> type1
> id_type1      id      field1          field2          field3          
> 1             1       1st rec (1)     2003-07-07      0000-00-00      
> 2             3       1st rec (3)     2003-07-10      2003-07-12
> 3             1       2nd rec (1)     2003-07-13      0000-00-00
> type2
> id_type2      id      field1          field2
> 1             2       1st rec (2)     2003-01-23
> 2             2       2nd rec (2)     2003-07-07
> etc...
> So, what I'm trying to do is this:
> On a search page, the user selects a date range       to view the records in
> the main table.
> What I want to display now on the result page (code below), is something
> like this:
> Date Captured         Name            Last Action     Date of Action
> 2003-02-02            test3           field3          2003-07-12
> 2003-03-11            test2           field2          2003-07-07
> 2003-06-02            test            field2          2003-07-13
> In the above examples, if there are dates as record entries, then the
> field_type is "date". The field_name is the "action" name, like "info
> sent", "contact made" etc, so if there is a non-zero date in the field,
> it means that specific "action" happened that day.
> So in the code below I tried to 
> 1) query the table for all the entries in the data range ( for my
> example, the date range was wide enough to include ALL)
> 2) Make sure that I have the "last" row for the specific entity by
> looking for the max id in the related table matching the main table's
> id.
> 3) Once I know that id, I query the "sub" table for all the fields in
> that row.
> Then I tried to run through all the fields in the result set and get the
> "highest" date from that row, else fall back to the original capture
> date_in in the main table (meaning that no "actions" have yet been taken
> (when I enter something in the main table, it automatically enters a new
> row in the $main_type table with default "zero" dates)
> My problem is somewhere in the code, but I cannot see where (maybe my
> logic sucks with the whole thing?)
> It returns the correct stuff for the first entry, but then takes the
> same for the rest (as if it's not going back to the beginning of the
> loop, or not resetting the values)
> I use a class that does the connect and querying to the db. I'm 100%
> sure the class is correct, I'm not 100% sure if I USE it correct
> though...
> Any help appreciated.
> include ("main_class.php");
> $db = new my_db_class;
> $db ->connect("localhost","user","password","db");
> if ($_GET[st] == "date") {
> $sql = "select * from main where (date_in > '$_POST[date_1]' and date_in
> < '$_POST[date_2]') order by entity_name";
> }
> //echo $sql.'<br>';
> $db ->query($sql); 
> if ($sql) {
> echo '<table><tr bgcolor="#99FF99"><td>Date In</td><td>Name</td><td>Last
> Action</td><td>Date of last action</td></tr>'; 
> while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($db->result)) {
>       extract($myrow);
>       $sql_search = "select MAX(id_$main_type) as mid from $main_type where
> id = '$id'";
>       //echo $sql_search.'<br>';
>       $db1 = new my_db_class;
>       $db1->query($sql_search);
>       $myrow_search = mysql_fetch_assoc($db1->result);
>       $pointer = $myrow_search[mid];
>       $sql_search_2 = "select * from $main_type where id_$main_type =
> '$pointer'";
>       //echo $sql_search_2.'<br>';
>       $db2 = new my_db_class;
>       $db2->query($sql_search_2);
>       $myrow_search_2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($db2->result);
>       $fields = mysql_num_fields($db2->result);
>       $test_date = "0000-00-00";
>       for ($i=0; $i < $fields; $i++) {
>       $type = mysql_field_type($db2->result,$i);
>       if ($type == "date") {
>       $action_name = mysql_field_name($db2->result,$i);
>       $val = $myrow_search_2[$action_name];
>               if (($val >= $test_date) && ($val != "0000-00-00")) {
>                       $test_date = $val;
>                       $XXX = $action_name;
>                       $YYY = $test_date;
>               }
>       }
>       }
>       if (!$XXX) {
>               $XXX = "Original Capture";
>       }
>       if (!$YYY) {
>               $YYY = $date_in;
>       }
>       echo '<tr><td>'.$date_in.'</td><td><a
> href="main_view.php?id='.$id.'">'.$entity_name.'</a></td><td>'.$XXX.'</td><td>'.$YYY.'</td></tr>';
>       if ((mysql_num_rows($db->result)) == "" || (mysql_num_rows($db->result)
> == "0")) {
>       echo 'No Results Found!<br>';
>       }
> }
> echo '</table>';
> }

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