Hello all,

This may be an HTML question, I'm not sure.  I need to start a file download
from within php.  The file I wish to download is named INSTALLER.EXE, and is
an InstallShield setup program.

I know I can use an anchor with an HREF to start a transfer: (A
HREF=INSTALLER.EXE)Click here(/A),  but I don't want the user to have to
click on anything to start the download -- when they go to myPage.php I
would like the download to start immediately.  Is this possible?

More information:

I have some (non-http) client/server software that includes authentication
upon connection.  If someone uses my client to connect to my server, they
must have an account established on the server and they must authenticate
upon connection, else the server turns them away.

I'm trying to make the whole process of setting up new users ("registering"
and installing the client) easy.  My desire is to write a form-based
"wizard" that guides the new user thru a register-download-verify process.

Step 1 Asks for the desired login id and checks that it is not already in
the user database(this works)
Step 2 Asks for the password, with verification, and inserts the login id
into the user database (this works too)
Step 3 Starts the agent download process.
Step 4 Verifies that the agent has downloaded and installed properly.

The trouble comes in transitioning from step 2 to step 3.  When the user
presses "NEXT" on step 2, I would like the wizard to start the download, and
say "When the download and installation is complete press NEXT".

The problem seems to be that the action= for step 2 must do two things:
start a file download AND display the next step of the wizard.

Any advice or examples would be appreciated!


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