Edit your php.ini file and edit your sendmail_path directive.  The default
is "sendmail -t -i".  Add the correct -o switch (don't remember it
offhand) to have sendmail just queue the email instead of trying to
deliver right away.  Then set up sendmail to deliver the queue at regular


On Sun, 21 Jan 2001, ewiz wrote:

> I am facing a problem where some users on the server are using php
> mail() function to mail a list of users in taken from mysql db(around
> 5000 users, but not spam), but this is getting the system crashed due to
> excessvie loads and if I limit the delivery load on exim than even
> geninue mail is getting holded up.
> so is there anyway to limit the number of emails or delay the mails from
> the nobody user( which is the apach+php user which mails) or make PHP
> use a remote server than the local sendmail ?
> any help would be apperciated.
> ewiz
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