Re: [PHP] PHP / gd problems / compiling

2001-06-21 Thread Rasmus Lerdorf

 ./configure' '--with-mysql' '--with-apache=../apache_1.3.12'
 '--enable-track-vars' '--enable-ftp' '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local/bin'

The configure option is --with-gd and it should definitely not point to
/usr/local/bin.  Quoting from the INSTALL file:

   There are a few things that can go wrong during this configure step.
   The most common is that you have asked for an option and that the
   configure script can not find the files required to enable this
   option in PHP.  Chances are you can provide the full path to the
   base directory under which the related files were installed.  For
   example, if you have installed the GD library in /opt/gd which means
   that /opt/gd/include has your GD header files and /opt/gd/lib contains
   your GD library files, you would use --with-gd=/opt/gd

And yes, I agree with Sebastian, use GD2.

If you simply grab the gd2 tarball and build it in your home directory
(/home/rasmus in my case) then you need something like this:

  --with-gd=/home/rasmus/gd-2.0.1 --with-freetype-dir=/usr
  --enable-gd-native-ttf --enable-gd-imgstrttf --with-jpeg-dir=/usr
  --with-png-dir=/usr --with-xpm-dir=/usr/X11R6

That assumes that those various things are installed under /usr and that
you built gd2 using (in the gd2 Makefile):

LIBS=libgd.a -lpng -lz -ljpeg -lfreetype -lm

Follow these steps and you should have a kick-ass php-gd2 setup.


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Re: [PHP] PHP / gd problems / compiling

2001-06-20 Thread Sebastian Wenleder

my configure line:

./configure' '--with-mysql' '--with-apache=../apache_1.3.12'
'--enable-track-vars' '--enable-ftp' '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local/bin'

gd version 1.8.1 ..

Then whenever I try to create an image of any kind, be it gif, jpg, or png,
I get:

bWarning/b:  ImageTtfText: No TTF support in this PHP build in
b/data/www/apache/htdocs/airforce/quote/image.php/b on line b7/bbr
bWarning/b:  ImageGif: No GIF support in this PHP build in
b/data/www/apache/htdocs/airforce/quote/image.php/b on line b8/bbr

(It would give me the same warnings for JPG .. No JPG support, no PNG
support, etc.)

What did I do wrong?  I thought I built it in correctly, that configure line
appears when I do the phpinfo() stuff ..

Hi Chad!
You should compile PHP with TTF-Support, if you want to use 
TrueTypeFonts (ImageTTFText does this)

for this you would need the freetype package (
and add this to your configure line
for freetype 1.x:  --with-ttf='/path/to/ttf'
  -- or --
for freetype 2.x:  --with-freetype-dir='/path/to/freetype'

you should also make sure you built gd with freetype support, i'm not 
sure if gd 1.8.1 supports freetype 2.x and I would recommend that you 
upgrade your gd_lib to 2.0.1 it's a beta, but it's quite stable!



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