
I am having trouble returning attributes from an LDAP dir and was
curious if anyone had experienced similar issues. I am able to retrieve
the attributes in the $nds_stuff fine. However, once I add an attribute
to the array, I can get the last attribute in the array, but not the one
that comes before. For example, this returns usertier2, but not
usertier. If I switch the order, I can get the last one, but not the one
that comes before? 

Here is my code:

$filter="(|(cn=" . $login_name . "*))";

//Attributes to get from NDS
$nds_stuff = array("cn", "sn", "fullname", "usertier");

//doesn't work as expected
//returns usertier2, but usertier is empty
//$nds_stuff = array("cn", "sn", "fullname", "usertier","usertier2");

//Search for a specified filter on the directory with the scope of
$results=ldap_search($ldap, $dn, $filter, $nds_stuff);
$info = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $results);
//This loops Through the array
for ($i=0; $i < $info["count"]; $i++)
//Declare the LDAP results as session variables
$valid_user = strtolower($info[$i]["cn"][0]);
$user_tier = $info[$i]["usertier"][0];
$user_tier2 = $info[$i]["usertier2"][0];
$user_fullname = $info[$i]["fullname"][0];
} //Close LDAP login array loop


Any suggestions?

TRI International

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