Hey all,
Need some help.

Two questions:


PHP 4.0.5
Apache 1.3.20
MySQL ..3.24

I created a login page which uses MySQL to verify the username and

When I run the script (submit the html form), PHP returns this error:

"The instruction at 0x10091ceb referenced memory at 0x00000000. The memory
could not be read."

The script is using basic SQL statments (if/else logic with SELECT), so
I'm somewhat confused as to why I'm getting a memory error.

Especially since PHP is able to retrieve all other information from the
database. It only fails for the login script.  I've double checked the
db connection, table names, username/password, and other related fields.
Everything seems fine.

Has anyone dealt with this error before? Any clues?
Please help!


I reinstalled my apache server, and it's acting a little weird.
For example, this url


opens a Save File Dialog Box, and ask me to save/cancel the file (instead
of showing the index page).

What is causing that?

The DirectoryIndex is configured as

DirectoryIndex index.html index.php index.cgi index.asp

Any suggestions?


On Thu, 29 Nov 2001, faeton wrote:

> Does anyone know that <? print $val; ?> is equal <?=$val?>, eh? :)
> Just wanted you to know :)
> ------------------------------------------------
> Ivan 'Faeton aka xetrix' Danishevsky
> ICQ(240266) [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.xemichat.com
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