I have a common header for all the pages on my site.  This header has a link 
with the following code:

echo ($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); echo ($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>')

This code works exactly right on all pages of the site except one.  On the 
page answer.php, it doesn't evalutate the php code in the above (so the link 
literally is just as shown above and the javascript won't even call for a 
pop-up window).  answer.php usually has some get variables attached, like so:  
answer.php?showanswer=dog  but even when I type in exactly answer.php with no 
variables added, the php portion of the link won't evaluate/work.

Does anyone have any idea as to why?  It's a php page, shouldn't it evaluate?

Allan Cleaveland
Webmaster and Computer Technician
Math Department
Univeristy of Arkansas

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