Hi everyone,

The pitfall I am trying to solve is confusing and to be honest I have not as much 
experience with http to solve it right now.

My application is quite straightforward. Its purpouse is to load image off the MySQL 
and send it to client to render it. 

I have php script, which reads data together with file type off the table and sends it 
to client (of course after all necessary headers are sent).

On the client then some five pictures are animated one after another (all beeing read 
from table as described above), so it looks like a simple animation.

Under Mozilla this works fine, but under IE (6.0) the JavaScript OnLoad event on Body 
Tag just does not fire up. My suspicion is, that there is something in http protocol I 
missed/omitted/forgot to do, so IE still thinks that page is not finished loading and 
so the event handler does not gets executed.

Is there something I have to send on the end after data are transmitted? Or, do I have 
to send just headers and data and nothing else.

But anyway I think, problem is on PHP(?)/mine site, not on IEs side.

Looking forward for your ideas,


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