[PHP] Problem with session handling with frameset.

2002-09-09 Thread Jiaqing Wang

Hello, Everyone,
I'm having some problem with the session handling in my code, it's kind of
hard to explain the whole problem but let me try.
I currently have a login page login.php which will take user input for
userid and passwd and check them against my backend PostgreSQL database,
after the password is verified I then open a session with

session_start();  --  presumebly this will set a cookie with session_name
as the cookie name and session_id as the cookie value

then I redirect user to his/her own custome page (like my place or my site)
using header(Location: https://www.domain.com/cgi/mysite?userid=$userid;)
function call. in mysite.php script I will then open the session with the
session_name with

session_start();  --presumebaly this will get the session opened previously
by login page.

This arrangement works correctly in the regular IE v5 and Netscape v4.72
without a problem, I can tell the session is being opened by login.pho page
and passed onto mysite.php page. However, it doesn't work in frameset/frame
setup at all, for example, if I put the whole login.php page which is
login.php under a frame within a frameset

frame src=cgi/login.php target=body

The problem is that I can't get the same session previously opened in
login.php in mysite.php, mysite.php will start a different session if it
can't find previous opened session with session_name as userid as this is
the default behavior of session_start() function. So I assume that login.php
either didn't set the cookie or the cookie can't be read by mysite.php.

If it helps the situation, I also noticed that my SSL cerificate warning
page being prompt twice, the first time is when opening page login.php(it's
also under https), the second time is when opening mysite.php, I'm currently
using self-signed certificate so every time the https page opens up in a new
browser it will prompt you for whether or not accept the ceritificate).

I'm currently runing php v4.2.0 on a solaris 2.7 box with apache
v1.3.26/mod_ssl-2.8.10-1.3.26. If you need any more info to help me with it,
let me know.


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Re: [PHP] Problem with session handling with frameset.

2002-09-09 Thread Justin French

on 10/09/02 1:01 PM, Jiaqing Wang ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 Hello, Everyone,
 I'm having some problem with the session handling in my code, it's kind of
 hard to explain the whole problem but let me try.
 I currently have a login page login.php which will take user input for
 userid and passwd and check them against my backend PostgreSQL database,
 after the password is verified I then open a session with
 session_start();  --  presumebly this will set a cookie with session_name
 as the cookie name and session_id as the cookie value

usually PHPSESSID is the name of the cookie, and I tend to leave it like
that.  I'd name it something else other than $_POST['userid'] though... the
whole point of sessions is to store a session id on the client side (usually
a long number), and store all the sensitive data (usernames, passwords, etc)
on the SERVER SIDE, associating them with the session ID.

at this point you haven't assigned any values to the session.  If you want
the userid to be available on other pages (a session!!!), you shouldn't name
the session after the userid.

assuming you have PHP  4.1:

// login page
// validate $_POST['userid'] first

$_SESSION['userid'] = $_POST['userid'];

 then I redirect user to his/her own custome page (like my place or my site)
 using header(Location: https://www.domain.com/cgi/mysite?userid=$userid;)
 function call. in mysite.php script I will then open the session with the
 session_name with
 session_start();  --presumebaly this will get the session opened previously
 by login page.

No.  The whole point of sessions is that you don't have to carry the userid
around in the URL.  You just redirect to wherever you want:

// login page
// validate $_POST['userid'] first

$_SESSION['userid'] = $_POST['userid'];
header(Location: https://www.domain.com/cgi/mysite.php;);  // added

Then on subsequent pages (the rest of your site), you check to see who your
user is with this code:

echo $_SESSION['userid'];

Make sense?

I've been trying tog et enough time together to write an article about this
stuff, but for the moment, you need to do some more research and get a grip
on what sessions are really used for.

Just as an example, you could assign more variables (user preferences for
example) to the session at login time (or at any time during the session):

$_SESSION['favcolor'] = 'blue';
$_SESSION['shoesize'] = '14';
$_SESSION['language'] = 'en';
$_SESSION['pageviews'] = $_SESSION['pageviews']++;
$_SESSION['blah'] = 'foo';
$_SESSION['blahblah'] = 'foo foo';

There's a nice article on webmasterbase.com in the PHP section by Kevin
Yank.  The code is a little out-dated (pre $_SESSION and all the superglobal
arrays, so you'll need register_globals on in your php.ini for it all to
work), however, it's clean, and he does a great job of explaining it all.
You should read it, twice :)

It was the basis of my session code a while back.

In theory, any pages you call on your site which have
? session_start(); ? as the first line will maintain a COOKIE based
session.  If you do not call session_start(), you *may* loose the session,
even under cookies.

If users don't have cookies, your sessions won't work at this stage... the
sid needs to be passed around in the URL.

 This arrangement works correctly in the regular IE v5 and Netscape v4.72
 without a problem, I can tell the session is being opened by login.pho page
 and passed onto mysite.php page. However, it doesn't work in frameset/frame
 setup at all, for example, if I put the whole login.php page which is
 login.php under a frame within a frameset
 frame src=cgi/login.php target=body

The concept of having framed content is fine if you are using cookie based
sessions, as long as each framed page (the frameset and all pages within it)
call session_start()... otherwise (again) you need to pass the sid to the
framed page through the URL.

 The problem is that I can't get the same session previously opened in
 login.php in mysite.php, mysite.php will start a different session if it
 can't find previous opened session with session_name as userid as this is
 the default behavior of session_start() function. So I assume that login.php
 either didn't set the cookie or the cookie can't be read by mysite.php.

see above :)  I think your session setting code aint working the way you
intended, and certain not the way PHP developers intended.

 If it helps the situation, I also noticed that my SSL cerificate warning
 page being prompt twice, the first time is when opening page login.php(it's
 also under https), the second time is when opening mysite.php, I'm currently
 using self-signed certificate so every time the https page opens up in a new
 browser it will prompt you for whether or not accept the ceritificate).

Sure, there may