I told you it was simple and I sort of answered it myself ;-)

If(($var == val) OR ($var2 == val2)){

Blah blah

Sorry for the time wasting:

Note to self:

Wake up before trying to change the world :-)

Dave C

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Carrera [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 15 January 2004 07:23
Subject: Very Simple one for u all :-)

Hi List,

My brain needs a kick start this morning and I ask you this basic question.

How do I do a if statement asking if 1st var = a value OR 2nd var = value

I have tried this

If(($var == val) || ($var2 == val2)){

Blah blah

I think this is a if var == val AND var2 == val2 then onwards but I need OR,
so one or the other.

Sorry this is so basic but not had enough coffee to sort this out yet, looks
like a bad day for me ahead :-)

Thank you in advance for any help.

Dave C

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