"Thiruvelraj Pokkishamani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>   Sir,
>          I am using Windows 2000 server, and i use IIS 4.0 as the
> server and i have done many php scriptings and everything works
> fine and i done have any problem regarding this.
>          And i want to send mail to the visitors of this site .
> for that purpose i use mail() and if i click send button i receive
> "server error in D:\inetpub\wwwroot\test\sendmail.php" .
> i have tried many scripts and i receive this error.
>          Some  says that i want to configure the server ,
> how to configure and just iam a beginner to this PHP.
> if u help me it could b fine for me to finish this project.
>         Xpecting ur mail.
>                              Yours Thankingly
>                               Thiruvelraj

If you have tested the same script on a different Server it may
just be an issue of the fact that IIS and PHP are not the greatest
of combos...  My scripts tested on my localhost running Apache
usually give me problems when I transfer them to an IIS Server
(particularly 4.0)...  They generate error messages but have
the expected functionality if this is the case with your Script
stick in some @ symbols like so:

        echo @"Whatever I want to print out
                        if variables are returned as undefined within
                        this echo statement";
        $something = @$somethingElse;

If the functionality is not as expected then it could probably be
something else and it would really help if you posted sections of
your script which you suspect to cause the errors...


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