Found the solution:

function create_car($params){
 global $smarty;
 $car = new Car("Jeep sWrangler","black");
 $smarty->register_object($params[id], $car);


"Maris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi there!
> I am trying to make a PHP function "create_object" that would allow me to
> create a class instance with supplied name
> Here's the Smarty code snipset I would like to use my function in:
> {* Let's create a new class object with name "car" *}
> {create_object id=$id_car name="car"}
> {* When it is created, we can print out its properties or do whatever we
> need to *}
> The brand is: {$car->brand}
> and car's color is: {$car->color}
> Any ideas how to create PHP function that would allow to create the
> so I can
> operate with it in Smarty as shown above?
> function create_object($id, $name){
>    //help needed
> }
> Thanks,
> Maris

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