
On 09/07/2002 12:55 PM, Kurtis Harper wrote:
> I am serious, I will send a donation (small- I am not a rich man :o) )
> through PayPal, if someone is kind enough to help me out.   What I need it
> to create a thumbnail of an uploaded picture.  I am not fussy on how the PHP
> script accomplishes this as long as it works.  I tried running Imagemagick
> (convert after the file is uploaded) through an exec command with no luck.
> I would like to have two files in the folder where the image is uploated :
> image.jpg and imagethumbnail.jpg (I want to creat thumbnails on the fly of
> pictures users upload).  I am running IIS 5, If this is part of my problem I
> am willing to change to apache.  I am sure this is a simple process since it
> is done all the time.  If there are otherways to create a thumbnail I am
> willing to try that as well.  I just can not seem to run the convert.exe
> through a PHP file :o(
> Is it not possible to run an external progrman (convert.exe) through php
> code?
> What I am looking for is some detailed instruction on how to go about this,
> I have found bits and pieces but there are too many holes in the information
> I have so far.

Here you may find several classes for that purpose just the way you 
want, ie, just using PHP code:



Manuel Lemos

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