I've figured it out :)

Thanks for the help, I just need to walk away for a minute and come back to it.

all I need to do is this:

require mySecondClass.php;

class myClass
Now I can create/edit/maninpulate/etc new and old instances of "mySecondClass"



        //constuct, functions, etc....


On Nov 1, 2007, at 7:35 AM, Sebastian Hopfe wrote:

Dear Andrew,

I think normaly it isn't possible to use another class in a class, without using extends. But you should use your array as a container. After you use as a container, you can make new instance into a array field.

Now you can use the content of the container to administrate the instances of the complete class. I just changed some things at your example. Please have a look and ask if you have any questions.


 class fruitBasket ext
   private $fruits = array();  //this is a class Container

   public function addFruit($newFruit)
     $this->fruits[] = new fruit($newFruit);

   public function makeAllApples()
     foreach($this->fruits AS $fruit)

   public function showAllFruits()
     foreach($this->fruits AS $fruit)
       echo $fruit->showFruit()."<br>";

 class fruit
   private $name;

   public function __construct($name)
     $this->name = $name;

   public function changeName($newName)
     $this->name = $newName;

   public function showFruit()
     return $this->name;

 $Cls = new fruitBasket();





"Andrew Peterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
I'm hoping you guys can help me out.

I'm not sure if you can do this, but i'm trying to create a class that is build of another class. I also want to be able to do functions on the class1 from within class2.


class fruitBasket{

private $fuit = array();  //this is a class

public function addFruit($newFruit)
$this->fruitBasket[] = $newFruit();

public makeAllApples()
foreach($this->fruit AS $value)
{ $value->changeName("apple");
} }


class fruit{

private $name;

public __construct($name)
$this->name = $name;

public changeName($newName)
$this->name = $newName;

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