[PHP] Re: IE 5.5,authentication,PHP sessions: IE never stops

2001-03-05 Thread Ken

At 10:56 AM 3/5/01 -0600, John Henckel wrote:
 1. open mytest.php and when the password prompt appears, I enter a userid/password.
2. I see the "Hello" page with my userid and password.
3. close IE and reopen mytest.php, again the prompt appears -- this is good.
4. close IE and Restart Windows.
5. open mytest.php and when the password prompt appears, I hit CANCEL.
6. the message "Sorry you are not authorized" appears
7. in the address box I type www.google.com and wait for it to appear
8. I press the BACK button and guess what I see?  I see the "Hello" page with my 
userid and password from step 2 !!  apparently the page is retrieved from 
the browser cache.

This is exactly one of the things I was complaining about: It is NOT a browser cache 
issue - it still remembers your username and password, and will continue to send it 
with page requests.  This happens when you hit "cancel" on the new password prompt.  
You'd think it would forget the username and password at this point, but it doesn't.  
You have to clear the password field and hit OK.  Crazy, huh?

- Ken

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[PHP] Re: IE 5.5,authentication,PHP sessions: IE never stops

2001-03-05 Thread Ken

At 02:39 PM 3/5/01 -0500, Chris Poirier wrote:
There is a suggestion in the PHP online documentation that has worked for
me (except in Opera 5, which seems to ignore the Realm).  Add a timestamp
to the Realm that changes with each new session.  IE 5.0 will prompt for a
different password, because it sees it as a different login.

This is, in fact, what my system attempts to do.  The catch is that I CAN'T change the 
realm with a new session...because I don't GET a new session, because IE 5.5 is not 
starting a new session when it should!

Indeed, when I change the realm, I get the prompt.  But I can't tell when the user 
closed his browser and started a new one, because IE 5.5 (on the machines I'm testing 
on) is still keeping the old session, acting like the browser never closed.

Again, my system works perfectly on the other browsers I've tried.  It changes the 
realm when appropriate.  It sets a flag in the database when the user hits logout.  
And it works the way it should.  Just in IE 5.5 (on the machines I'm testing on) do I 
get this horrible behavior.

- Ken

Later, Chris.

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RE: [PHP] Re: IE 5.5,authentication,PHP sessions: IE never stops

2001-03-04 Thread Don Read

On 04-Mar-01 Ken wrote:
 Thanks for the idea, John.
 I know about the auth logout.  Unfortunately, that means that when a user
 clicks "logout", he gets a "log in" prompt!  And, in IE, he has to
 deliberately blank out the password field, THEN hit enter, THEN the prompt
 will come again, and he has to hit escape.


 Any suggestions?

I'm still playing with this but ...

My script handles the authentication against a MySQL table;
and this might (probably) have to get tweaked to play well with .htaccess

The logout script creates a "mark" (tmpfile, db entry, whatever)
then redirects to a non-protected page. 

On entry to a protected script:

function authuser($realm) {

  if (isset($PHP_AUTH_USER)) {
if (markset($PHP_AUTH_USER)) {
  // send a 401 to force re-authenticate 
  Header('WWW-authenticate: basic realm="'.$realm .'"');
  Header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
  echo "\n\n";
  echo 'META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="1; URL='.SITEHOME.'/"';

if (! (validlogin($PHP_AUTH_USER,$PHP_AUTH_PW, $realm))) {
  Header('WWW-authenticate: basic realm="'.$realm .'"');
  Header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
  echo 'META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="1; URL='.SITEHOME.'/"';
  echo 'CENTERFailed LoginPInvalid name or password';

-- If you are going to sin, sin against God, not the bureaucracy. 
  God will forgive you but the bureaucrats won't. 

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[PHP] Re: IE 5.5,authentication,PHP sessions: IE never stops

2001-03-04 Thread Ken

At 03:11 PM 3/4/01 -0600, Don Read wrote:
On 04-Mar-01 Ken wrote:
  I know about the auth logout.  Unfortunately, that means that when a user
  clicks "logout", he gets a "log in" prompt!  And, in IE, he has to
  deliberately blank out the password field, THEN hit enter, THEN the prompt
  will come again, and he has to hit escape.

I'm still playing with this but ...

My script handles the authentication against a MySQL table;
and this might (probably) have to get tweaked to play well with .htaccess

The logout script creates a "mark" (tmpfile, db entry, whatever)
then redirects to a non-protected page. 

My script does something very similar, but it's more advanced than that, because it 
handles these various scenarios:

- Someone clicks "logout", then closes browser, then starts new browser and logs in as 
same of different user
- Someone clicks "logout", then tries to log in again as same or different user
- Someone just closes browser, without clicking "logout"

This would all work perfectly if it weren't for IE5.5 completely refusing to behave 
like it has closed when it has closed.  So I have to require IE5.5 users to click 
logout, which is really no good.

Your script suffers the same problem: An IE5.5 user in the 3rd scenario would just get 
logged right back on without being prompted.

- Ken

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[PHP] Re: IE 5.5,authentication,PHP sessions: IE never stops

2001-03-04 Thread Ken

At 03:18 PM 3/4/01 -0800, Michael A. Peters wrote:
Generally, I don't think a login prompt when a user clicks logout is such bad thing.

It lets the user know they are logged out, and the software is waiting for another 

If they choose to go elsewhere, that's fine.

Why it's bad is that, if the user clicks "cancel", they are not logged out.  They have 
to manually clear the field, THEN OK, then they get prompted AGAIN, THEN they hit 
cancel.  That's nuts, and my users aren't going to understand that.

I personally in your situation would use php to determine the browser.
If its IE 5.5 state "Due to a bug in IE 5.5 that browser is not supported for use 
with this page."

You could give them the choice to continue anyway, or possibly do session 
authentication only with IE 5.5 if you really wanted to go out of your way to cover 
up for Microsofts bug.

Don't lessen security because of a browser bug, though- instead, refuse to support 
the browser.

Well, I guess nothing is going to solve my problem of making people hit "logout" 
instead of just closing the browsers, if they're using IE5.5, since both the 
user/password are still remembered by the browser, and the session is kept active.  I 
would love to not support IE5.5, but my client uses this version primarily.  I will 
ask them to downgrade...but I wouldn't be surprised if IE doesn't let you install an 
older version!

Anyway, can someone please test to see if this doesn't happen in IE5.0?

I really hate this situation, yessir.

- Ken

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Re: [PHP] Re: IE 5.5,authentication,PHP sessions: IE never stops

2001-03-04 Thread Simon Garner


 Why it's bad is that, if the user clicks "cancel", they are not logged
out.  They have to manually clear the field, THEN OK, then they get prompted
AGAIN, THEN they hit cancel.  That's nuts, and my users aren't going to
understand that.

Why do they need to be able to log out?

If the user doesn't want their password saved (e.g. they're on a public PC)
then they just uncheck the "Save password" box when logging in, and then
they can close the browser and be "logged out".

If they want their password saved then they can check the "Save password"
box and not worry.

It sounds to me like you're trying to implement something that no users are
actually going to need or want...

However, if you want more control over the authentication process I suggest
making your own login form and using cookies, instead of HTTP
authentication. Then you can log users out just by unsetting the cookie(s).


Simon Garner

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[PHP] Re: IE 5.5,authentication,PHP sessions: IE never stops

2001-03-04 Thread Ken

At 04:11 PM 3/5/01 +1300, Simon Garner wrote:
  Why it's bad is that, if the user clicks "cancel", they are not logged
out.  They have to manually clear the field, THEN OK, then they get prompted
AGAIN, THEN they hit cancel.  That's nuts, and my users aren't going to
understand that.

Why do they need to be able to log out?

Because they are on a shared computer.

If the user doesn't want their password saved (e.g. they're on a public PC)
then they just uncheck the "Save password" box when logging in, and then
they can close the browser and be "logged out".

If they want their password saved then they can check the "Save password"
box and not worry.

Nope - with IE5.5, even with that box NOT checked, the user remains logged in until 
either a) the computer is restarted, or b) a new user-authentication header is sent, 
AND the user clears out the password field and hits OK.  Otherwise the user stays 
logged in, in spite of the HTTP spec.

It sounds to me like you're trying to implement something that no users are
actually going to need or want...

Nope, I'm working with a real client, who has multiple users on the same machine, and 
IE5.5 is installed on it, and, lo and behold, though the rest of the browsers work 
fine, IE5.5 has this awful bug.

However, if you want more control over the authentication process I suggest
making your own login form and using cookies, instead of HTTP
authentication. Then you can log users out just by unsetting the cookie(s).

This is how I will wind up going, EXCEPT the users will be required to click "logout", 
since merely closing the browser, in IE5.5, does not seem to clear the user/password 
from the browser's memory, NOR does it clear any session cookie.  Again, works fine in 
other browsers, per spec.




Simon Garner

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[PHP] Re: IE 5.5,authentication,PHP sessions: IE never stops

2001-03-04 Thread Simon Garner


 Nope - with IE5.5, even with that box NOT checked, the user remains logged
in until either a) the computer is restarted, or b) a new
user-authentication header is sent, AND the user clears out the password
field and hits OK.  Otherwise the user stays logged in, in spite of the HTTP

Admittedly I'm running IE5.01, but if I close and reopen the browser it will
pop up the authentication dialogue again (with values filled out, if I did
Save Password).

Does this really not happen in 5.5?

 This is how I will wind up going, EXCEPT the users will be required to
click "logout", since merely closing the browser, in IE5.5, does not seem to
clear the user/password from the browser's memory, NOR does it clear any
session cookie.  Again, works fine in other browsers, per spec.

You mean it doesn't clear per-session cookies (expiry=0) either? Cripes...

What Windows version is this under?

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RE: [PHP] Re: IE 5.5,authentication,PHP sessions: IE never stops

2001-03-04 Thread Mitchell Kirschner

Nope, I'm working with a real client, who has multiple users on
the same machine, and IE5.5 is installed on it, and, lo and
behold, though the rest of the browsers work fine, IE5.5 has this
awful bug.

I don't have this session-terminating problem with IE 5.5 when using Apache
and PHP locally on my Win95 computer. I'm also pretty sure it works fine
when connected to a Linux/Apache/PHP server where I have some webspace.

Question: Do you have the latest bunch of fixes and security updates for IE
5.5? I remember after I first installed 5.5 a couple of months ago, there
were many megabytes of fixes, patches, security updates, etc. (There are
probably many more since then.) Perhaps there's already a fix for the bug.

Assuming you have an internet connection from each PC, go into IE 5.5, then
select Tools-Windows Update. The MS website should auto-detect the fixes etc
that you need and prompt you to install them.


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Re: [PHP] Re: IE 5.5,authentication,PHP sessions: IE never stops

2001-03-04 Thread Ed Lazor

 However, if you want more control over the authentication process I suggest
 making your own login form and using cookies, instead of HTTP
 authentication. Then you can log users out just by unsetting the cookie(s).

This is how I will wind up going, EXCEPT the users will be required to 
click "logout", since merely closing the browser, in IE5.5, does not seem 
to clear the user/password from the browser's memory, NOR does it clear 
any session cookie.  Again, works fine in other browsers, per spec.

I tried to read up on this thread before responding, so please excuse me if 
I don't know all the facts.  Have you tried using PHP's sessions to track 
user logins?  If cookies are available, it takes advantage of them.  If 
not, a session tracking variable is automatically appended to the url.

For my own web site, I register a session variable.  For my situation, it 
happens to be an array, but you may not need this.

 if (! IsSet($user) ) {
 $user = array();
 $user["Username"] = "Guest";

 From there, present the visitor with a login form.  Process the login form 
and set the $user["Username"] variable after you've confirmed their 
login.  If you want them to log out, they click a link taking them to a 
page that sets the variable back to $user["Username"] = "Guest".  Best of 
all, if they close their browser, the browser session is lost.

That setup allows people to work at a computer, logout of the web site, and 
allow someone else to login.  Or, they can just close the browser window 
and let someone else sit down to open a new browser window and login.

There's one thing you'll want to keep in mind, in case you don't already 
know it.  Each browser window you spawn from the original uses the same 
session.  If you login and then press CTRL-N to open additional windows, 
they will all use the same session.  Of course, the way around this is to 
just run separate copies of the program to gain additional windows.

Another thing of note, in case it will help, I'm using IE5.5 and don't 
experience the problems you've described.


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[PHP] Re: IE 5.5,authentication,PHP sessions: IE never stops

2001-03-04 Thread Simon Garner


 What Windows version is this under?

 Windows 98 and Mac OS 8 or 9.

 - Ken

Is IE set to "Launch browser windows in a separate process" (if that option
still exists in 5.5)? Have a look in Tools  Options  Advanced.

Perhaps if that is not checked, closing the window does not count as exiting
the browser?

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RE: [PHP] Re: IE 5.5,authentication,PHP sessions: IE never stops

2001-03-04 Thread Don Read

On 05-Mar-01 Ken wrote:
 At 04:11 PM 3/5/01 +1300, Simon Garner wrote:
  Why it's bad is that, if the user clicks "cancel", they are not logged
out.  They have to manually clear the field, THEN OK, then they get prompted
AGAIN, THEN they hit cancel.  That's nuts, and my users aren't going to
understand that.

Why do they need to be able to log out?
 Because they are on a shared computer.
If the user doesn't want their password saved (e.g. they're on a public PC)
then they just uncheck the "Save password" box when logging in, and then
they can close the browser and be "logged out".

If they want their password saved then they can check the "Save password"
box and not worry.
 Nope - with IE5.5, even with that box NOT checked, the user remains logged
 in until either a) the computer is restarted, or b) a new
 user-authentication header is sent, AND the user clears out the password
 field and hits OK.  Otherwise the user stays logged in, in spite of the HTTP
It sounds to me like you're trying to implement something that no users are
actually going to need or want...
 Nope, I'm working with a real client, who has multiple users on the same
 machine, and IE5.5 is installed on it, and, lo and behold, though the rest
 of the browsers work fine, IE5.5 has this awful bug.
However, if you want more control over the authentication process I suggest
making your own login form and using cookies, instead of HTTP
authentication. Then you can log users out just by unsetting the cookie(s).
 This is how I will wind up going, EXCEPT the users will be required to click
 "logout", since merely closing the browser, in IE5.5, does not seem to clear
 the user/password from the browser's memory, NOR does it clear any session
 cookie.  Again, works fine in other browsers, per spec.

Is this a NT-Domain network ? It's been a few years since i was sysadmining,
but the user might have to log off the network domain/workgroup to
re-select the credential file (luser.pwl file or whatever Bill  the boys
from Redmond call it now).
But i'll agree that if IE keeps the authentication after you close the browser,
it _is_ borken. 

-- If you are going to sin, sin against God, not the bureaucracy. 
  God will forgive you but the bureaucrats won't. 

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[PHP] Re: IE 5.5,authentication,PHP sessions: IE never stops running?

2001-03-03 Thread Ken

Thanks for the idea, John.

I know about the auth logout.  Unfortunately, that means that when a user clicks 
"logout", he gets a "log in" prompt!  And, in IE, he has to deliberately blank out the 
password field, THEN hit enter, THEN the prompt will come again, and he has to hit 

There's another possible path than the above, but it, too, involves a prompt coming up 
when they hit logout, and they have to clear the password field.

If, when they click "logout", and they get the first confusing "log in" prompt, they 
click "cancel", then they won't be logged out.  The browser will continue to remember 
and report their username and password.

Try explaining how to follow these instructions to an inexperienced user!

The point of my system was to use, among other things, the session cookie to determine 
whether the user is in a new session or the same one as before.  The logout button 
sets a flag in the database.  In short, then I know, when the user's browser tries to 
log in again, if he's in the SAME session, and he had previously hit logout, then I 
will have to send an auth header, with a new realm.  But if he's in a NEW session, 
then I can assume his browser no longer remembers his user/pass, so the actual user 
must've typed it, so here I will let the user proceed without sending an auth header.

If IE 5.5 refuses to clear the user/password field, and refuses to clear the session 
cookie, then I can't think of any way of him getting to log out without making him go 
through an annoying second "enter your username and password" prompt...which is most 

It's sounding like, thanks to this terrible behavior of IE 5.5, I may have to switch 
to not using browser authentication at all, and instead deal with the nuisance or 
security risk of passing along authentication information in the session, and 
requiring the user to click "logout" when it's time to logout (forcing a destruction 
of the information stored in the session).

Any suggestions?

- Ken

At 09:45 PM 3/3/01 -0600, John Henckel wrote:
I, too, am using PHP with authentication and IE 5.  However I am using .htaccess to 
generate the headers instead of PHP.  I found this text...

a quote from PHP manual.
Both Netscape and Internet Explorer will clear the local browser window's 
authentication cache for the realm upon receiving a server response of 401. This can 
effectively "log out" a user, forcing them to re-enter their username and password. 
Some people use this to "time out" logins, or provide a "log-out" button.

This doesn't answer Ken's question, but at least perhaps you can use it to provide a 
"log-out" button.  Let me know if it works or not.

At 09:57 PM 3/3/01 -0500, kenzo wrote:
I'm experiencing strange behavior with my user authentication scheme in my PHP app, 
with users using IE 5.5.

I am using browser authentication (WWW-Authenticate and 401 headers), "no cache" 
headers, and PHP 4 sessions.

I am finding that even when the user totally quits IE, if he then restarts IE, one 
or both (haven't isolated for sure yet) of the following happen:

- The browser still knows the user and password, and so will send it to the server 
upon an authentication request under the same realm, without prompting the user.  
(The user does NOT have "save this password" checked on the user/password prompt when 
it first comes up.)
- The session is still active.  A call to session_start() returns the pre-existing 
session, instead of getting a new one.

If the user restarts his machine, IE no longer remembers his user and password, and 
so a prompt is displayed upon authentication headers being sent.  And I presume (not 
100% certain) that a new session gets created.

Both of these are behaving like IE is still running.  Is this a known issue with IE 
5.5?  Does it just stay running?  These symptoms make it sound like this, and less 
like a logic problem in my PHP app.  (I have verified that the username and password 
are sent when the user gets an authentication prompt, without the user typing 
anything.  I'm assuming there's no possible way that a PHP session can retain this 
information; I am reading $PHP_AUTH_USER and $PHP_AUTH_PW...there's no way these can 
be set unless the browser were already running and the user had previously entered 
them into their prompts, right?)

Has anyone else run into this?  My application works perfectly under Netscape 4, IE 
4, and Opera 5.


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