update mytable set email = CONCAT(email,'[EMAIL PROTECTED]');

On Wed, 24 Jul 2002 11:00:48 +1200, Jason Morehouse wrote:

> update mytable set email = CONCAT(email,'[EMAIL PROTECTED]');
> On Wed, 24 Jul 2002 02:59:54 +1200, Shane wrote:
>> Greetings, is there a mySQL syntax command equivalent to appending information to a 
>text record.
>> If I wanted to add an email value to a text record that already has an email value 
>in it, is there a faster way to do this than reading the original value, combining 
>the new value to it, and then running an UPDATE command?
>> - Thanks

 Jason Morehouse (jm [@] netconcepts [.] com)
 Netconcepts LTD - Auckland, New Zealand
 * Linux: Because rebooting is for adding hardware.

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