[PHP] Re: NameVirtualHost breaks PHP

2002-04-28 Thread Yuri Petro

Can you indicate Apache settings regarding php and virtualhosts?

Kind regards,

 www.AceHoster.com  Quality web hosting

Greg Blakely [EMAIL PROTECTED] ???/ ?  ?:

I'm new to this list, though not new to PHP.  I'm hoping that my
question hasn't been answered a thousand times before, and I did at
least search on NameVirtualHost and read all those archived messages
before getting to this point.

I have an Apache web server (1.0.38) that has been peacefully
co-existing with php4 for quite some time.  I've interfaced it to mySQL,
and life was great.

Then, I came up with the brilliant idea to used Named Virtual Hosts
rather than using up all my IP addresses.  I did all according to the
instructions I had, and the virtual part of things worked fine.
www.hostone.net showed its proper page, as did www.hosttwo.net.

But  It broke php.  When I go to a php page now, it show's the code
rather than executing it.  I've verified that this behavior happens
across all the web pages, incuding the main one that isn't

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance.

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RE: [PHP] Re: NameVirtualHost breaks PHP

2002-04-28 Thread Greg Blakely

Yuri Petro asked:

 Can you indicate Apache settings regarding php and virtualhosts?

In the main server configuration area, I have:

# The following is for PHP4 (conficts with PHP/FI, below):
IfModule mod_php4.c
  AddType application/x-httpd-php .php4 .php3 .phtml .php
  AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

# The following is for PHP3:
IfModule mod_php3.c
  AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3
  AddType application/x-httpd-php3-source .phps

# The following is for PHP/FI (PHP2):
IfModule mod_php.c
  AddType application/x-httpd-php .phtml

### and the, further on down, there is:

NameVirtualHost *

### and then, under the VirtualHost area, I have:

VirtualHost *
Port 80
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php4 .php3 .phtml .php
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
DocumentRoot /home/tcrc/www/forum
ServerName forum.tcrconline.com
ErrorLog /home/tcrc/logs/error_log
CustomLog /home/tcrc/logs/access_log combined


### By the way, I tried it with and without the AddType statements in
the VirtualHost area.

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Re: [PHP] Re: NameVirtualHost breaks PHP

2002-04-28 Thread Yuri Petro

You need to specify IP address in NameVirtualHost directive:


  DocumentRoot /home/tcrc/www/forum
  ServerName forum.tcrconline.com
  ErrorLog /home/tcrc/logs/error_log
  CustomLog /home/tcrc/logs/access_log combined

Kind regards,

 www.AceHoster.com  Quality web hosting

Greg Blakely [EMAIL PROTECTED] ???/ ?  ?:
Yuri Petro asked:

 Can you indicate Apache settings regarding php and virtualhosts?

In the main server configuration area, I have:

# The following is for PHP4 (conficts with PHP/FI, below):
IfModule mod_php4.c
  AddType application/x-httpd-php .php4 .php3 .phtml .php
  AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

# The following is for PHP3:
IfModule mod_php3.c
  AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3
  AddType application/x-httpd-php3-source .phps

# The following is for PHP/FI (PHP2):
IfModule mod_php.c
  AddType application/x-httpd-php .phtml

### and the, further on down, there is:

NameVirtualHost *

### and then, under the VirtualHost area, I have:

VirtualHost *
Port 80
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php4 .php3 .phtml .php
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
DocumentRoot /home/tcrc/www/forum
ServerName forum.tcrconline.com
ErrorLog /home/tcrc/logs/error_log
CustomLog /home/tcrc/logs/access_log combined


### By the way, I tried it with and without the AddType statements in
the VirtualHost area.

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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RE: [PHP] Re: NameVirtualHost breaks PHP

2002-04-28 Thread David Freeman

On 28 Apr 2002 at 16:11, Greg Blakely wrote:

  Can you indicate Apache settings regarding php and virtualhosts?
 In the main server configuration area, I have:


 ### and then, under the VirtualHost area, I have:
 VirtualHost *
 Port 80
 AddType application/x-httpd-php .php4 .php3 .phtml .php
 AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
 ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
 DocumentRoot /home/tcrc/www/forum
 ServerName forum.tcrconline.com
 ErrorLog /home/tcrc/logs/error_log
 CustomLog /home/tcrc/logs/access_log combined

get rid of the AddType lines in your virtual host definition.  You 
don't need them.  Settings in your main config area will be inherited 
by your virtual host config.

When you change this stuff, don't forget to restart apache for the 
changes to take effect.

CYA, Dave

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