Diregard the missing "{" bracket its not the problem, I dont why its missing
from my post.


Jeffrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Here we go again; I posted the message "pdflib, NEED HELP with
> function problem (newby)" and thank you to all that helped. Even
> after that help, seems I cant understand scope to well.
> Im trying to make a function that creates another page when I
> have reached the bottom of a page. For some reason everytime I try to
> include a PDF_function call inside a function I get an out of scope
> error message. Like so:
> "Fatal error: PDFlib error: function 'PDF_begin_page' must not be
> called in 'page' scope"
> The function I created is below
> function next_page($throw)
> {
>     global $p;
>     if ($throw = "open")
>     {
>     PDF_begin_page($p, 600, 800);
>     return;
>     }
>     if ($throw = "close")
>     PDF_end_page($p);
>     return;
>     }
> }
> All I do is put in to var $throw open or close and its not
> working; $p is global, what am I doing wrong? Im really having a terrible
> time
> with scope and php, no calles from PDF seem to want to work inside a
> function. Thanks for any help you guys can give me. Im pulling my hair
> PHP is
> a great language but this scope stuff is givin me fits.
> Jeff

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