"Simon De Deyne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> is there any code for this available yet?
> I am looking for a way of plotting gif images of objects
> in a 3D space...
> thank you!
> Simon

Don't know of any offhand, but it doesn't sound all THAT hard to develop...
actually, it could be kind of interesting.  In fact, if you want to include
a few more details I might whip up a demo for you.

- what kind of axis scaling do you want?  (linear / log)
- axis data range figured how? (specified / auto)
- where do you want the axis drawn (back edge / full box / at 0s)
- what kind of projection (orthogonal / perspective)
- how to draw data points (single-pixel / ball / icon)
- depth indication (none / shading / drop-line to axis / other)
- should data points be scaled (no / by size / by color)
- how to handle overlapping / coincident data (ignore / emphasize)
- how to color data points (specified / per-point / random/arbitrary)

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