I'm currently getting my feet wet with Perl and PHP. It's good many people replied with "it's your preference" so as not to get into a flame war and to remain open about the matter. However, I don't see that as being very helpful because Perl !== PHP, obviously.

Here's what I've come across so far,
*It was a lot quicker for me to learn to develop a web app. in PHP.
*It was a lot quicker for me to learn to develop a console app in Perl.
*Perl tends to generate HTML pages from a program whereas PHP tends to process inline.
*Slashdot uses Perl, http://slashdot.org/
*LiveJournal uses Perl, http://www.livejournal.com/
*SourceForge uses PHP, http://sourceforge.net/
*Wikipedia uses PHP, http://en.wikipedia.org/
Of course, there are many sites written in both. However, those are, I hope, popular examples, so that you can gauge for yourself.

I understand that graphical applications can be written in PHP with GTK+, but I have yet to find a decent one. Frozen Bubble, however, is the bomb and was written in Perl: http://www.frozen-bubble.org.

Nonetheless, I've found more useful web apps written in PHP,

SourceForge is an excellent site to compare and contrast the two. Just take a look at what projects are being done in each language. Of course, what you can do in one can be done in the other which is why so many people say it boils down to religion. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't shop around before settling in on your religion.


Got a lot of good replies, and info!

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