"Monil Chheda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I want to create an php system that prevents automated
> registrations.
> I have come up with the script in which users come
> over and need to enter a random key displayed on the
> images while submitting their info. If the number
> entered is correct, the post is submitted, else, the
> same form is displayed with another random key.
> Now, any one doing a "View Source" gets to know the
> image source as "myscript.php". What I want to do is
> to save the .jpeg image on my disc with the name as
> "randomnumber.jpeg" , where randomnumber is generated
> randomly for that page.
> Then, I would put an <IMG SRC="randomnumber.jpeg"> tag
> and no one will be able to get the name of my php file
> creating the image.

Why should it matter whether they know the generating
script's name?

The only important thing is that they can't easily read
off (or generate) the password-value passed to the
image-creation script.  You could store the passcode
as a session variable, or send it as an encrypted get-
variable, or hash into a stored dictionary.

Hugh Bothwell     [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Kingston ON Canada
v3.1 GCS/E/AT d- s+: a- C+++ L++>+++$ P+ E- W+++$ N++ K? w++ M PS+
PE++ Y+ PGP+ t-- 5++ !X R+ tv b++++ DI+++ D-(++) G+ e(++) h-- r- y+

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