"Jeff Lewis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Currently, people can post links to images in an application I am using
> they can post something outrageous like 1000X800 pixels and it messes
> up on the format.  I was sent this as a solution but it really bogs down
> especially on images from certain servers.  Is there a better way to do
> this?

... you are asking your server to load
each external image to find its size
every time the page is called. This
is (ahem) somewhat inefficient.

I would look at your link-adding page:

1. ask users not to link to super-huge
images OR ask for a thumbnail
link as well as the full-size;

2.  when links are submitted, get the
image size and store it in a local
database; then get the image size
(and thumbnail-image-size) at
the same time you retrieve the link
(and thumbnail-link)... set the preview
image to the thumbnail, and the anchor
to the full-size image.

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