Well if you have the GD libs installed you could do something with
imagecreatefromjpeg() and just send a header with the following before
the page is displayed. header("Content-Type: image/jpeg");

Kevin Murphy wrote:
> Hello all,
> Following up with my success last week with putting downloadable files
> in a directory above the web root and then using a combination of fopen
> and stuff to download the file, I am now trying to do something similar
> with images.
> However, what I am trying to do is to put an image file above the web
> root, then use PHP to display that image in the web page, and not
> download it. I have the feeling that this isn't possible (all solutions
> I've seen involve using header() function, which won't work since this
> is midway down the page), but I wanted to make sure. This will return
> the binary source of the file:
> print file_get_contents($file_path);
> but doesn't display the image. Is there any way to have this (or
> something else) generate the image?

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