This can't be easily done. The natural way of doing this would involve
sending some HTTP headers but this is not possible once you've started
sending data for the first file.

The hard way of doing this is a 2-way approach where you have two
connections: a data connection and a control connection. This of course
requires you to use JavaScript. The control connection to the server
would periodically be asking if sending a download has finished. This
could be done with Ajax techniques and some kind of server side database
or session store for the information about the finished downloads. The
other connection would then be triggered as a redirect from JavaScript
that fires up another download.

Of course there might be other solutions but none of them are really
easy to implement. If you are targeting a closed audience you might
change your approach to sending some kind of download list that triggers
a download manager.

Byers: "What proof do you have?"
Bond: "I got this!"
Byers: "You're on the phone, Jimmy!"
[Lone Gunmen 09]

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