Try this:

header("Connection: close");




[ niveus ]

"Adam Whitehead" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi All-
> I have a script in which I use ignore_user_abort() to perform some
> extensive processing that
> can take a few hours which there is no need for users to wait for.
> I display a message saying their submission is complete and continue to
> the PHP script
> in the background. It doesn't matter if they close their browser or
> whatever, as the script continues
> to run.
> My problem is, I want the browser to stop waiting for more output from the
> script. It confuses people
> when it says you may now close the browser when the icon in the top right
> is still moving and the progress
> bar is still moving.
> Is there any way in PHP (or even Javascript) that I can tell the browser
> close the connection
> (ie. the equivalent of hitting the stop button).
> Apparently "window.stop()" in javascript works in Netscape Navigator but
> not in IE. I really need this to
> work in IE (and it only need be IE!).
> Any ideas?
> PS/ Not really keen on running a cron job to do the same thing when it
> would be easier just to stop
> the browser from loading.
> -Adam

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