Hi, just to let you know i've sussed it out, i didnt realise that the
destination directory had to be on the system, rather than on the site

thank you very much for ur help and time


Adnan wrote:

> Hi,
> i have been having trouble working out how to upload an image, the most
> progress ive made is putting a blank file on the server, but thats it, any
> suggestions anyone??
> Im using PHP 4.3.2, Apache 1.3.27
> here is the code im using!
> photoposted.php
> <?
> $ftp_user_name='username';
> $ftp_user_pass='********';
> $ftp_server='xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx';
> $ftp_dir='/'.$_FILES['imagefile'];
> $destination_file=$ftp_dir.'';
> $conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server);
> $login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $ftp_user_name, $ftp_user_pass);
> $upload =
> ?>
> postphoto.php
> <?
> echo "<form action=\"/en/index.php?action=members&mp=photoposted\"
>        method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">";
> echo "Click the Browse button to find the file you wish to upload";
> echo "<input type=hidden name=\"MAX_FILE_SIZE\" value=200000>";
> echo "<input type=\"file\" name=\"imagefile\">";
> echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" name=\"upload\" value=\"upload\">";
> echo "</form>";
> ?>
> i am quite new to php, any suggestions would be highly appreciated!
> thanks :)
> adnan

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