"Deependra B. Tandukar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
Dear all:

What the heck is this Zope? Which is better PHP or Zope?

Any idea !


I just skimmed over the documentation and the tutorials on
line and couldn't make heads or tails of it...  I know a good deal
of other languages, most bear similarities but from one of
the coding examples I saw it looked weird...  The tutorials
available don't explain much which probably says something
about the programming skill of the supposedly expert Zope coders...

The manner in which their official website is presented fails
to generate any curiosity on my part...  In the case of php
upon hearing about it I visited the official website and learned a
great from it...

The people at Zend have introduced some awesome features
to PHP as have the first peeps who wrote it (They are definitely

I have no idea as to who developed Zope...  So far since I started
messing with Server Side Applications i have found PHP
to be the most convinient Scriptor, as well as reasonably efficient...
As for Zope???!!$#$#    ...(Though I  am not familiar with it - I don't
I ever will be either)


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