To check if a type checkbox variable has been set use
isset() i.e.

if (
    or isset($interest2)
    or isset($interest3)
    or isset($interest4)
    or isset($interest1)
// Everthing is ok
} else {

   $error = .....


This should do exactly what you want, and although it may
not use the least characters
it should be the quickest to write/debug/maintain and run. 



Richard Kurth wrote:
>  I have 5 checkbox's in a form that I what to make sure at least one of
>  the checkbox is checked.
> <input type='checkbox' name='interest' value='basic'>
> <input type='checkbox' name='interest3' value='Internet access '>
> <input type='checkbox' name='interest1' value='pro'>
> <input type='checkbox' name='interest4' value='domain name'>
> <input type='checkbox' name='interest2' value='platinum'>
>   I am checking for blank field buy doing this below How can I check for at
>   least one of the above check boxes is checked
> if ($name == "") {
>       $name_err = "
>        <font color=red>Please enter your name!</font><br> ";
>                 $send = "no";
>         }
> Best regards,
>  Richard

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