[PHP] Re: job payment.

2002-05-19 Thread Jule

Hey everybody,

thanks a lot for all the info i got, i know it's kindof a stragne question, 
but i really had no idea to expect what to earn or to be offered in a 
situation like the one i'm in now.
Now i know what to compare with and how to deal with everything and i think 
i'm set on job-instructions for the rest of my life.

thanks a lot
i really appreciate it.


On Sunday 19 May 2002 20:46, Doug Riddle wrote:
> --- Jule <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hey guys,
> > I got an offer to do some php/mysql design for a local company,
> > basically what it's going to be is to take the current Access DB and make
> > it acessible through a webpage (that's the basic info they gave me). How
> > much should i except to get paid for this, and what is an acceptable
> > amount, for the completion of this project, or per hour?
> >
> > Jule
> > --
> Jule:
>  I cannot guess what the going rate in New England is for DB
> programming. A few years ago I was getting $20.00 US for work like it.  I
> have made a lot more too, it sort of depends on what the market will bear. 
> I suspect they are not sure themselves.  I can offer a few things to think
> about...
> Things to consider:
> 1) Task Creep/Function creep/add-in bloat/design creep/ etc.
>  Get it clear up front what it is they expect and what constitutes a
> completed project.  If there is not a clear design and task list, then even
> they are not sure what they want.  They want someone to figure that out for
> them, and are probably not fully aware of the effort involved, or the cost.
>  In that case I would ask for hourly wages.  That way, changes to the
> project in mid-stream do not require negotiations about cost and pay.
> 2) Deliverables.  Make sure you get a schedule of when they want what.  You
> will need time to figure out the DB, and work with them on the front-end
> the client will see, not to mention the nuts and bolts of the job.  Break
> the project into bite-sized pieces and get their buy-in on each stage.  Get
> the guidlines in writing and a firm definition of what they consider a
> completed project in the contract.
> 3) Coordination.  If at all possible, get one, or at the most two, people
> to act as coordinators.  These should be people able to approve designs,
> make decisions and preferably write checks.  Avoid designing by committee
> wherever possible.
> 4) Contract.  Get it in writing.  Unless they are offering you a position
> with their company, they will expect a contract.  It doesn't have to be a
> complicated  formal affair.  Just discuss the job, write down their
> expectations and convert that into a "for the completion of this project as
> outlined herein, the company of I've-got-your-wallet agrees to pay my
> company, and-all-your-money, X dollars per hour for the building of this
> web site.  The company agrees to provide ample opportunity to discuss the
> deliverables as outlined and tender approval in a timely basis, etc." 
> That's it, save your receipts and keep good notes.  That will allow you to
> be sure you own any code you write, not them.  They are buying the use of
> the code, not the code.  Make sure you work that in somewhere.
> After that, just enjoy yourself.
> =
> Warmest Regards,
> Doug Riddle
> http://www.dougriddle.com
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[PHP] Re: job payment.

2002-05-19 Thread Hugh Bothwell

"Jule" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I got an offer to do some php/mysql design
> for a local company, basically what it's going
> to be is to take the current Access DB and
> make it acessible through a webpage (that's
> the basic info they gave me).
> How much should i except to get paid for this,
> and what is an acceptable amount, for the
> completion of this project, or per hour?

Depends drastically on how complex the
database is, and on what their idea of
making it 'accessible' is.

Are you porting the database to mySQL, or
mirroring it?  How many tables/records/pages?
How much 'design' do you do, and how much
is just fill-in-the-blanks?  Is this 'view-edit-
delete record' accessibility, or 'view-edit-
authorize-track changes-sign off on a form
filled from a six-table-join query', or what?
Is it in-house only, or for authorized clients
too, or for the public?

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