It seems that error is from an ill-formed MySql statement. Try this,
$descripQuery = "SELECT descrip from project_descrip where rowid=$foo";
echo $descripQuery ; // put in this echo after the query.
$descripResult = mysql_query($descripQuery);
echo mysql_error(); file://put this echo after query execution

Now, run it and see on screen what query is actually executed.

"Jennifer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> hi, i'm hoping someone can help me out here - im trying to pass a variable
from a string in the href tag, however my sql breaks when i put a var in the
> when i replace $foo with a number, the page works fine. can someone please
tell me what im doing wrong?
> here is the error i get:
> Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in
/home/villany2k1/ on
line 11
> here is my code:
> <?php
> $hostName="localhost";
> $userName="xxxx";
> $password="xxxx";
> $database= "projects";
> $tableName="project_descrip";
> $descripQuery = "SELECT descrip from project_descrip where rowid=$foo";
> mysql_connect($hostName, $userName, $password);
> $descripResult = mysql_db_query($database,$descripQuery);
>    while($row = mysql_fetch_object($descripResult)){
> $foo = $row->descrip;
> echo("<font face=verdana size=1>");
> echo("<a href='projects_descrip.php?rowid=$foobar'>" . "$foo</a>" . " |
> echo("</font>");
>   }
> ?>
> thanks in advance,
> jennifer

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