[PHP] Re: password protection/encryption

2003-12-08 Thread Mike
Chris Mach wrote:

I'm working on a project that involves a password protected area of a
website. Some one also involved brought up the point that this area should
be secure (Whit the lock icon indicating it is encrypted).
In this particular project the password protected area will be a quote
generating system for a company. Users would log in and choose the products
they are interested in purchasing and the site would generate a quote
depending on what they selected from the list of products.
So my question is..

 At what point is encryption necessary? I've always thought encryption was
only needed when dealing with stuff like credit card information, am I
if you are sending passwords over the internet, then they can be sniffed 
in transit, it depends on how paranoid / how important the information 
is.  Unless you encrypt them before sending (client side), but this is 
quite complicated

You probably should just use https to do the encryption, it works the 
same as normal, the HTTP layer deals with all the encryption for you

 How secure is a password protected page done with just PHP?
over http, with no encryption - not very secure
over https - as secure as anything is on the internet
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[PHP] Re: password protection/encryption

2003-12-06 Thread Jas
Some questions to ask yourself...
1. Am I storing personally identifiable information (eg. Names, 
addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, credit card data)?
2. Will this data be stored in a text file or database?
3. Is this text file or database directly connected to the internet?
4. What type of data am I trying to protect?

Answer these questions and you will know if you need to use 
public/private key encryption technology in your application.

You are currently interested (from your post) in encrypting the data 
link layer of your website using SSL (Secure Socket Layer).

The SSL or lock icon as you pointed out only encrypts data in a 
streaming manner (eg. when I click the submit button my username / 
password combination gets passed to the SSL protocol and wrapped in a 
layer of encryption to be decoded on the server).

If you are storing data in a text file / database that would be a "yes" 
answer to the 4 quesitons listed above I would recommend using some sort 
of public / private key encrytion.  PHP has several encryption functions 
for your use and links are listed below.

When in doubt consult the manual at php.net.
Also a great recommendation... google.com is your friend you can find 
all sorts of good tips locating information on various encryption 
techniques and definitions.  A great primer on public / private 
encrytion vs. one-way encryption can be found here...

This site gives you basics of encryption and how it works.
SSL information can be found here.
Hope this helps

Chris Mach wrote:


I'm working on a project that involves a password protected area of a
website. Some one also involved brought up the point that this area should
be secure (Whit the lock icon indicating it is encrypted).
In this particular project the password protected area will be a quote
generating system for a company. Users would log in and choose the products
they are interested in purchasing and the site would generate a quote
depending on what they selected from the list of products.
So my question is..

 At what point is encryption necessary? I've always thought encryption was
only needed when dealing with stuff like credit card information, am I
 How secure is a password protected page done with just PHP?

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