[PHP] Re: readdir behavior I cannot understand

2004-09-19 Thread Jason FB
Hey, thanks.
Yea I suppose I am relatively new to PHP, been working with for about 
a year and a half now, so sometimes there are gaps in my knowledge, 
like this one. I'm fairly good at different debugging techniques, but 
I get this error when I run the script from the manual which is why 
I'm so confused by it.

T_ECHO is "echo".  there's no "echo" anywhere near to line 6 - are 
you sure that 
D:\Inetpub\wwwroot\imagesexotic\Fall04\admin\check_set.php is the 
file you posted to the php-general list?

No,  I must be confusing everybody like nuts. The actual first two 
lines of my LOCAL copy is

$root_dir = "/Users/jason/Sites/";
$folder_on_server  = "";
NOT the one I had posted-- that was from my server copy. Actually the 
error message I get when I run it locally is

Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_ECHO in 
/Users/jason/Sites/images_exotic/REDESIGN2 FALL 
04/admin/check_set_local.php on line 8

It comes out "T_PRINT" when I changes the "echo" to "print" -- which 
is more like line 4.

I was only testing it on two servers in the off chance that it was a 
versioning and/or windows ISS/apache problem -- but it did not appear 
to be either.

The LOCAL script I am working with is as follows:

 /* This is the correct way to loop over the directory. */
 while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
echo "$file\n";
Do you see the same parse error (T_ECHO) as described above?  I think 
the problem has to do with how I've used opendir() maybe-- but I 
guess I'm asking for help because the manual seems to have incomplete 
or inaccurate information I was wondering if anyone else had seen 
this before.

Thanks again for your help

What I would look for first is check every line - make sure it 
concludes with a ;

Also, don't start out by trying the same script on two servers.  The 
script is simple enough, you should get it working in a closed 
environment first, and then try it elsewhere.  This should cut down 
on the WTF factor quite a bit :)

General debugging rules:
1) on any parse error make sure every line near the line number ends with ;
2) make sure that when you type if (blah) { you type } before you 
fill in the details.  The same goes for every control structure
3) don't use if/while/for/foreach without {} and you'll save trouble 
down the line
4) familiarize yourself with the list of tokens - it will help a lot 
in understanding what the parser is telling you.

Other than that, I also find tricky parse error bugs by deleting 
lines, then adding them back in one by one until the parse error 

The most useful debugging tool I've found is Zend IDE.  You can get 
a free personal license that will disable some of the niftier 
features, but you will get the on-the-fly php validation which is 
REALLY useful. The bar along the right will have little red lines at 
every single parse error.  It's brilliant.  Plus you can step 
through the scripts, which is unmeasurably useful for learning the 


[PHP] Re: readdir behavior I cannot understand

2004-09-19 Thread Greg Beaver
Jason Fb wrote:

$root_dir = "/Users/jason/Sites/";
$folder_on_server "test";
This should be:
$folder_on_server = "test";
T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING is a long way of saying a string that doesn't 
have any fanciness in it like "test" or 'hello', but not "this $way" 
because $way is a variable that will be interpreted.

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