[PHP] Re: Reg exp help

2002-08-30 Thread Erwin

> Take for example:
> - - [30/Aug/2002:11:46:29 +0200] "GET
> /bildgalleri/createjpg.php?url=/v044&file=v044_27.jpg HTTP/1.1" 200
> 8874
> - - [30/Aug/2002:11:46:39 +0200] "POST /weblogg.php
> HTTP/1.1" 200 3149488

[more loglines]

> Here I'ld like to remove all lines that looks like some
> text ending with line breakĀ…
> How should the reg exp look?

Try this: preg_replace( "/^*\n/m", "", $log )
The second argument, currently empty, can be used as a replacement string.

As we look at the regular expression "/^*\n/m", from left to
^ Start of line if modifier /m is used (completely right)
, followed by a dot (.). This dot means any characters, followed
by a asterisk (*). The asterisk is a "0 or more quantifier", which matched
everything until the next statement (in this case the "\n").

You can also use "$" instead of "\n", only the newline will not be stripped.
"$" means end of line, while "\n" means newline.

HTH, Erwin

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[PHP] Re: reg exp help

2001-07-23 Thread James Holloway

Hi Justin,

for the username, you can use:

if (!preg_match("/^[a-z0-9]*$/", $username)) {
// error
} else {
// ok

The ^ means start of the string, the characters between the [ and ] are ones
that we want, the * means however many times, and the $ means the end of the
line / string.  So if there isn't a match against lower case letters and
numbers throughout the string (from start to finish), there's an error.

I'd advise you to go more complex with the email address.


"Justin French" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> hi all,
> two quick reg exp problems:
> one:
> $username must only contain a-z lowercase, 0-9, no spaces, no other
> what would the regexp be?
> if(ereg("", $username)) { $valid = "yes" } else { $valid
> = "no")
> two:
> i want to do a really small email validation, just to make sure the
> email probably right, as in:
> what's the best reg exp to use.
> i'm aware there are email validating script out there, but I want to
> learn for myself
> many thanks in advance
> justin french

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