Brian V Bonini schrieb:
> What's wrong with this snippet of code that would make it stop working
> after upgrading from 4.0.6 to 4.3.0
> <?php
> if (!$id) {
> include "";
> }
> if ($id == 1) {
> $title = "xxx";
> include "";
> ?>
>     <p>Stuff</p>
> <?php } ?>

look at

it is cause $id isn't set to the value of your uri anymore !
set "register_globals on" in your PHP.INI or use $_GET['id']

 @  Goetz Lohmann, Germany   |   Web-Developer & Sys-Admin
\/  ------------------------------------------------------
()  He's the fellow that people wonder what he does and
||  why the company needs him, until he goes on vacation.

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