"Patrick L. Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> if I call it like
> with the shebang line #!php.exe
> I get the following error
> No input file specified
> if I call it without the shebang I get
> the Internal Server Error
> Error logs indicate the the #! is needed
> if I call it in the web root as
> it prints the code to the screen
> any insight welcome

Well, I know nothing about Windows, or SSI, but if I were trying to run
a php script from Apache_as_localhost I'd do:


Unless you're doing something a bit wierd and wonderful the script must
be in your htdocs (or whatever else you've called doc root) and should
be called (according to what you've told Apache) by .php. 

Initially I ran into a lot of problems (self-created) by putting php
stuff into the cgi bin and, after upgrading to php4, by trying to call
stuff as php4 (as I used to call stuff by php3).

Hope this helps.

Marx: "Why do Anarchists only drink herbal tea?"
Proudhon: "Because all proper tea is theft."

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