Hello all. I have a problem to solve, but have no idea where to start..

I am writing a site right now that needs to read information from many other
web pages on different domains (using fopen). However a few sites have given
me the error: "you need to have cookies enabled to view this page". This is
because it is the PHP engine that is hitting the web page, and not my
browser directly.  The PHP engine does not support cookies as my browser
does, thus I get this 'no cookies' error.

Is there any way to make these web sites think I have cookies enabled?  Can
I send specific message headders that would mimic having cookies present?
Or can I encode the cookies into the URL in some way?  Or better yet, is
there a way to allow PHP to accept cookies and send these back to the server
every time I request a page?

Thanks for any help. I have no idea were to turn next!


FYII:  The fopen type stuff I'm doing is..

$file = @fopen ("$Hyperlink", "r");
while (!feof ($file)) {
    $line = fgets ($file, 1024);
 // yadda yadda yadda

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