I am experiencing a problem of trying to run several variants of the same
code and keep the sessions separate.  Here is the scenario.

I am launching all of this from a CMS.  So, the CMS displays a page that has
3 links on it.  Link 1 is version A of an application, Link 2 version B,
etc.  The three links are all the same application but different builds, in
essence.  They all have the same session control code.  They each launch a
new window, but the session variables are staying in the pool for each link,
which is not acceptable.  When I call Link1 and then I call Link2, they need
to have an independent pool  (session).  I have tried to unregister,
destroy, unset, to no avail.

Is there a way, or am I out of luck?  Hard coding is not an option, as the
code has to be standard across all platforms and releases.

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