Hi List,

This is an 'oldie' thread, but since I found out what caused the odd behavior, 
I thought it would be nice to pass on the solution.

Toying around with it last week, I suddenly remembered that often when I 
manipulated an image in The Gimp, sometimes the image would move slightly 
off-center or down a shade. If that image was then saved, those changes, 
minute as they were, would magnify if the image was displayed at increased 
width. Result => image might shift an inch shift up or down. A rather 
embarrassing but obvious error, if one knew where to look. . .

Re-centering and saving the images solved the problem. Thanks again to all who 
offered suggestions.

A Blessed Christmas to all.

Hi Mark,

Tried your idea - no go. 

Somehow I think the problem may be related to the banner's gif width (set at 
101%). I recall when I first made the banner, which has a horizontal rule (a 
png) above it set at 100%, that the HR caused some problems. Perhaps I should 
toy more with the combo.

Thanks for the suggestion.

On Saturday 13 November 2004 07:42 pm, Marek Kilimajer wrote:
> What if you try:
> <?php include("banner.php"); ?>
> <form action="bad.php" method="post">
> Andre Dubuc wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have a very annoying problem with pages that re-display using the <form
> > action tag>. On re-display the banner, which is set absolute position at
> > 0px, shifts down by about an inch. I've isolated the cause to the <form
> > action tag>.
> >
> > Simplified code for bad.php page:
> >
> > <?php session_start(); ob_start(); ?>
> > /* html head style body tags */
> >
> > <form action="bad.php" method="post">
> > <?php include("banner.php"); ?>
> >
> > <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Add Names"
> >
> > /* closing form body html tags */

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