Sorry, I copied the wrong DTD into the post.

The DTD is the following:

<!ELEMENT Document ANY>
<!ELEMENT CMAES_Model_DbSection ANY>
<!ATTLIST CMAES_Model_DbSection S_iSectionId ID #IMPLIED>

Here is the code example and result again:

// Creates an instance of the DOMImplementation class
$oDomImp = new DOMImplementation;

// Creates a DOMDocumentType instance
$oDomDtd = $oDomImp->createDocumentType('Document', '', 'D:/CMAES/Src/dbtree.dtd');

// Creates a DOMDocument instance
$oDom = $oDomImp->createDocument("", "Document", $oDomDtd);

// Set other properties
$oDom->encoding = 'iso-8859-1';

$oElement = $oDom->createElement('CMAES_Model_DbSection', 'test');
$oElement->setAttribute('S_iSectionId', '123');

// Append the element

// Retrieve and print the document
echo $oDom->saveXML() . "\n\n";

// Do validation

// Type node name
echo "TagName: " . $oDom->getElementById('123')->tagName;

Using the following DTD as an external file:
<!ELEMENT Document ANY>
<!ELEMENT CMAES_Model_DbSection ANY>
<!ATTLIST CMAES_Model_DbSection S_iSectionId ID #IMPLIED>

The result is the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE Document SYSTEM "D:/CMAES/Src/dbtree.dtd">
<Document><CMAES_Model_DbSection S_iSectionId="123">test</CMAES_Model_DbSection></Document>

Warning: Syntax of value for attribute S_iSectionId of CMAES_Model_DbSection is not valid in <script on line 23
TagName: CMAES_Model_DbSection


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