Hi, Phil,

Excuse me, you was right. I changed the mapping for the server but not for
the directory. Now everything works fine.

Thanks again.



"Phil Driscoll" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
On Monday 12 August 2002 3:52 pm, Adam Voigt wrote:
> My guess would be that this is a browser issue, with the
> browser associating .rtf with a word doc (or Rich Text to be
> more accurate) and if this is the case, there's not much you
> can do except not name your PHP files .rtf. Since, each person
> who comes to your site will most likely have .rtf set as
> a Rich Text Document and will try and interpret it.

There may be an issue about what the browser chooses to do with the .rtf
extension, however if the web server was correctly configured, the php
of the .rtf file would not be sent by the server, but would have at least
been interpreted by php, which would then have sent out the correct mime
header to give the browser a chance of interpreting the data as html.

Maybe the iis script mapping configuration is being overridden somewhere in
the tree by a child node?

Phil Driscoll

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