[PHP] URGENT: IIS server now OK, but MS access DB not reachable

2001-12-04 Thread mweb

Still me.
Thank you all, you were right!!
The sysadmin did find out that the server config was wrong. Now php is OK.
However, I have to access an MS access database with those pages.
The sysadmin says relevant data are:
DSN: domain
Absolute path: c:\domini\domain_name.net\domaindata.mdb

To give you an idea of the environment, a previous working ASP version was 
like this:

Set conn = Server.CreateObject(ADODB.Connection)
Set rs = Server.CreateObject(ADODB.Recordset)
conn.Open Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source =   
Server.MapPath(.)  \domain.mdb; Persist Security Info = False

The following snippet of code (copied from phpbuilder) fails as pasted at the 
end of the message. Now this must be even stupider than the other problem,
but again any help is appreciated




function Output_Entries()
 //Make the connection to the database. The syntax is odbc_connect( 
 //$cnx will hold the
 //pconnect is used to establish a persistent database connection to the 
 //until the procedure is completed.
 $cnx = odbc_connect( $DSN , '', '' );

Warning: SQL error: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not 
found and no default driver specified, SQL state IM002
in SQLConnect in C:\domini\domain_name.net\test.php on line 20
Error in odbc_connect 
Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid ODBC-Link resource in 
C:\domini\domain_name.net\test.php on line 52

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid ODBC-Link resource in 
C:\domini\domain_name.net\test.php on line 52

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RE: [PHP] URGENT: IIS server now OK, but MS access DB not reachable

2001-12-04 Thread Jon Haworth

Scope problem?

Try this:

function Output_Entries() {
  global $DB_PATH, $DSN;
  // rest of function


-Original Message-
From: mweb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 04 December 2001 12:28
Subject: [PHP] URGENT: IIS server now OK, but MS access DB not reachable

Still me.
Thank you all, you were right!!
The sysadmin did find out that the server config was wrong. Now php is OK.
However, I have to access an MS access database with those pages.
The sysadmin says relevant data are:
DSN: domain
Absolute path: c:\domini\domain_name.net\domaindata.mdb

To give you an idea of the environment, a previous working ASP version was 
like this:

Set conn = Server.CreateObject(ADODB.Connection)
Set rs = Server.CreateObject(ADODB.Recordset)
conn.Open Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source =   
Server.MapPath(.)  \domain.mdb; Persist Security Info = False

The following snippet of code (copied from phpbuilder) fails as pasted at
end of the message. Now this must be even stupider than the other problem,
but again any help is appreciated


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RE: [PHP] URGENT: IIS server now OK, but MS access DB not reachable

2001-12-04 Thread Andrew Hill


Are you using a File or User DSN?
You DSN domain needs to be a working System DSN, succesfully tested in
your ODBC Adminsistrator.

Best regards,
Andrew Hill
Director of Technology Evangelism
OpenLink Software  http://www.openlinksw.com
Universal Data Access  Data Integration Technology Providers

 -Original Message-
 From: mweb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 7:28 AM
 Subject: [PHP] URGENT: IIS server now OK, but MS access DB not reachable

 Still me.
 Thank you all, you were right!!
 The sysadmin did find out that the server config was wrong. Now php is OK.
 However, I have to access an MS access database with those pages.
 The sysadmin says relevant data are:
 DSN: domain
 Absolute path: c:\domini\domain_name.net\domaindata.mdb

 To give you an idea of the environment, a previous working ASP
 version was
 like this:

 Set conn = Server.CreateObject(ADODB.Connection)
 Set rs = Server.CreateObject(ADODB.Recordset)
 conn.Open Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source =  
 Server.MapPath(.)  \domain.mdb; Persist Security Info = False

 The following snippet of code (copied from phpbuilder) fails as
 pasted at the
 end of the message. Now this must be even stupider than the other problem,
 but again any help is appreciated



 function Output_Entries()
  //Make the connection to the database. The syntax is odbc_connect(
  //$cnx will hold the
  //pconnect is used to establish a persistent database connection to the
  //until the procedure is completed.
  $cnx = odbc_connect( $DSN , '', '' );

 Warning: SQL error: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not
 found and no default driver specified, SQL state IM002
 in SQLConnect in C:\domini\domain_name.net\test.php on line 20
 Error in odbc_connect
 Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid ODBC-Link resource in
 C:\domini\domain_name.net\test.php on line 52

 Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid ODBC-Link resource in
 C:\domini\domain_name.net\test.php on line 52

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 To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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