I have WindowsNT4 Serv & PHP 4.0.6/CGI

My php.ini includes:
session.save_handler = files
session.save_path = /tmp
session.use_cookies = 1

Problem: When I run PHP script which uses sessions (commands like session_start()
etc.) the session file IS created in /tmp BUT cannot be received and
added to my URL. My browser (IE5.5PL SP1) receives message:

     Warning: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that
     the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/tmp) in
     I:\(...)\test.php on line 0

I checked. The session data was created! I CAN read them directly by
another script also in PHP:

  $fd = fopen("$path/$filename", "r") or die("<h3>Cannot read $path/$filename</h3>");
  print fread($fd, filesize("$path/$filename"));

It seams very strange. PHP do create session data but display error
"Failed to write". What can be incorrect with session.save_path? I
checked, the session data is created correctly. I can read that file.
What is goin' on? Anybody can help?

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