I have been looking around for this for all day, now I need your help.

I just compiled php 4.0.6 with those extension:
./configure   --enable-track-vars  --with-gd=../gd-1.8.3 
--with-swf=../php4-swf  --with-mysql   --enable-xslt
--with-xslt-sablot=../Sablot-0.60  --with-apxs

Then by trying to use the stuff that I was working on before that, since
the beginning of one of the first sablot extension, it doesn't work out,
the function that I was using xslt_process seen to not work anymore,
well not as I want. So I look around and find this
from Sebastian Bergmann"
 Coordinate with Sterling, but here you go: ext/sablotron is no longer
beeing worked on and ext/xslt is the 'next generation'" at

Then I look in the CVS to see what I can find and I find
README.XSLT-BACKENDS in /php4/ext/xslt/

I look at your stuff, well the README and find some help in this:
 $args = array("/_xml" => $xml,
               "/_xsl" => $xsl);
 $xh = xslt_create();
 $data = xslt_process($xh, "arg:/_xml", "arg:/_xsl", NULL, $args);
 print( "The results of the transformation were\n" );
 print( "<br>\n<hr>\n<br>" );
 print( $data );
 print( "<br>\n<hr>\n<br>" );

But it still doesn't work it get me my data, but it print out the xml
document first and then my parse result, how come?

First, what did I didn't understand?
Second, how can I use sablotron as before with the new version, the
backend stuff?

Well OK, I can live with the change to have more then a XSLT parser,
it's good for me, but how do I choose the one that I want, I didn't see
any news about this (search around, deja, php site and zend, not much in
mailing list except the stuff below), I guess I will have to subscribe
to devel mailing list.

And is this scary for me "This function is EXPERIMENTAL. That means,
that the behaviour of this function, this function name, in concreto
 documented here can change in a future release of PHP WITHOUT NOTICE.
Be warned, and use this function at your own risk." I though that with
sablot, it was near production, but it didn't seen so now.

Thanks you.

Francis Fillion, BAA SI
Broadcasting live from his linux box.
And the maintainer of http://www.windplanet.com

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